Wednesday, December 3, 2008


oh no!I still have no email yet and also notebook...bosan kan kalau org buat keje mcm kura2..sungguh bosan!!..the problem is,I already have work to do,yet takde apa pon being set up for me..rasa cam nak blah je balik rumah..

My immediate boss was on MC for 3 days including today.She told me over the phone that the whole family were infected with her fever.I hope she & family will get well soon.

(Gossip)By the way,there is an intern who will be working with me and my immediate boss.His name is Wildan...booleh tahan u ollsss.hehe.putih gebu gitu.ala2 jambu skit la.mula2 mcm malu2 kucing gitu,tp bila dah kene usik ngn i,nmpk terus jd kurang pemalu...haha..xlama lg nampak le true colors of him..naper guys always like that eh? :>


Syiera said...


Sabar..sabar..sabar...depa tu suruh u menikmati working environment tu dulu...then only depa bagi laptop & email to u. Bertenang yea...:)

Azmah Yusof said...
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Azmah Yusof said...

hehe...tu la tu..bkn pe,tension sbb takde email jer...lgpon boss besar dah tanye progress keje i..takkan nak cakap i takde laptop kan..sia2 je kene fire the way,office camner?

Kelar the chubbies said...

Isshh..tkkan server down lagik? Ker blom dpt laptop lagik? ker bizi giler2? tk dgr berita ponnn..

Anyway, Happy New Year (Masehi and Hijrah) to Nora. Happy holiday too if you're taking a leave (bley ke?).