the Mercedes that took us to the airport...
the driver,lupa tanye nama..badan mcm to him; Jamri
We enjoyed a nice view along our journey on the road...we had seen a lot of nice places and not forgetting the windmill..the trademark of Holland...we had not had the chance to see the windmill closer..I heard only a few left as they have switched to the modern windmill..
I did search some info on the windmills on the net.
History of Windmills:
Picture of Windmill, Kinderdijk - Kinderdyke, Holland
The Dutch built windmills for many centuries (and to some extent, the windmills built the country itself,since without them much of the land drainage could not have occured). In that time the mills were developed for corn milling,land drainage,saw milling,and in fact all manner of industrial purposes.Despite this widespread use,Dutch mills are in many ways quite primitive - using canvas sails,and turned to wind by hand (as distinct from the automated mechanisms that were developed for English windmills,including the faintail,and shuttered sails).
There are a very pleasing number of remaining windmills in the Netherlands - the number is about 1150 and rising.There are 8 windmills in Amsterdam.
Upon arrival at the Schipol airport, we headed to the counter to re-issue cost us EURO 25...later, we walked around the terminal and snapped few photos...ard 11a, we entered the waiting terminal to wait for our flight scheduled at 12p...while waited for our flight,we had a chit chat wif Azmi & Jamri,seated behind us...our flight was MH 0017.I was really sad because I had to leave The Netherlands... such a short trip but all I can say I had a nice experience there..I learned a lot abt their culture and lifestyle..I shall come again to The Netherlands....
Schipol airport..sempat posing sementara tunggu flight
In the airport
outside the airport..
TOT ZIENS HOLLAND...till we meet again..
*tot ziens = goodbye in dutch
After 13 hrs of tiring journey, we arrived in KLIA at dad-in-law fetched us up at the airport...Then, we stopped by somewhere to have our breakfast and lunch..I was having a jet lag...Once arrived at home me & hubby grabbed the pillow and continue our journey in a dreamland....hehe
That's all folks.Our journey to The Netherlands/Holland...
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